Rig Veda (band)

Rig Veda is a black metal band from Kabul, Afghanistan.
Rig Veda was founded on January, 2019 by brothers Samim Noorzai and Arsalan Cinna.
They started looking for other artists mainly a drummer and bassist in their early days. After a tiring and long search, they finally managed to find drummer Najib Angar, a student from the Afghanistan National Institute of Music.
The two band founders were extremely wandered in their early stages for finding other band members, a place to practice in and the instruments needed for recording their own songs. They were planning to participate in an event called Metal United World Wide; an Australian project which brings together metal musicians, fans, show organizers and media for one big event. Hence, they had to get prepared quickly and start making their music for their first concert.
Finally they found a practice room for themselves in an Educational Center, somewhere near Kart-e-char in Kabul. They had access to that room only for a limited time and that was another challenge. Subsequently, they started making their music. Their first single "Intrinsic Antagonist" was released on 4th June, nearly a week before their concert for Metal United World Wide event which was on 15th June, the single included one song "Against the Storm of Fate". The song was performed by them in Kabul on 15th June, the date on which over 400 other metal bands performed together.
Guitarist and film maker Travis Beard from White City assisted the young guitarist Samim Noorzai to form his band and perform his first concert.
Rig Veda is to be known the first black metal band from Afghanistan so far. Other than black metal, their music genre involves death metal style.
Current members
* Samim Noorzai - Guitars and Songwriting (2019-present)
* Arsalan Cinna - Vocals (2019-present), Bass (2019-present)
Past members
* Najib Angar - Drums (Jan to July 2019)
1- Intrinsic Antagonist (2019)
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