Rendezvous Tavern

The Rendezvous Tavern was a key location in the age of prohibition between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario. Long after prohibition, the dinning/bar was a brisk business. A massive brunch and formal dinning room was added on to the original bar room that included an expansive resort style elevated deck.
In the 1960's a marine basin hosted many seasonal berths and transient wells. Some of the largest pleasure boats visiting from Detroit Yacht Club,Detroit Boat Club, and Grosse Pointe Yacht Club came for a visit on Saturday night, the marine basin was incredibly well lit. There were range markers and channel to adhere to because of the undercovers to the east. Most captains found a very easy passage to their berth, easy to moor and there were great dock hands that knew the captain by name. The excellent meal and atmosphere at the Tavern drew big crowds. Fuel was also a quick and easy purchase.
Rendevous as a player
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