Pete Egoscue

Pete Egoscue served as an Infantry Officer in the US Marine Corps in Vietnam, where he became injured. Following the inability of conventional medical treatment to alleviate his symptoms, Pete refused to live out the rest of his life in chronic pain.

Having exhausted all other means, he came to the realization that no one else could help him but himself. Despite having no medical training, Pete educated himself in human anatomy, developing a system of postural assessment and exercise prescription based on the premise that 'the body works as a unit'.

The determination to regain his own health lead to the creation of the Egoscue Method which helps thousands of others to live a pain free active life, each and every day.

Pete established the world renowned Egoscue Method Clinic in Del Mar, San Diego, CA where he and his staff help the superstars of the sporting world, CEO's, moms, kids, young and old alike - as well as anyone else in pain. There are now Egoscue Clinics throughout the United States, while the Egoscue Method is taught world wide.

As the host of Pain Free Radio, Pete helps individuals with a myriad of symptoms to achieving lasting relief, weekly on Saturdays.
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