
Jamerican is someone who was born in the United States but whose parents were born in Jamaica. Jamerican is a conjunction of Jamaican American, (or North American- depending on perspective); first coined and made popular by the Brooklyn based rap group “Born Jamericans” signifying their Jamaican parenting and American birth and upbringing. Since then it has evolved to include a delineation of Jamaican and American combinations. All of which are designed to reflect American distinction rooted in Jamaican pride and culture.

Rejection by Jamaicans
Some Americans of Jamaican descent feel Rejected by Jamaicans when they call them derogatory names such as Yankees,Jafaican,Foreigners etc, do to the fact that they were not born on the Island and have the same kind of lifestyle and upbringing and as the they did. even though some American born citizens of Jamaican descent spend time or grew up in Jamaica like Edward Seaga who was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Jamaican parents, they are still refer to as Yankees.
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