Pen Fight

Pen Fight (also known as Pen Wars or Pencil Wars) is a pupular school game played with pens or pencils. It was first shown up on YouTube and then was played by others. It is now on wikiHow as a "school game". It is usually played when there is no work to do in class.
Basic Rules
2 or more (limit depends on the size of the table) players (with qualifying pens or pencils) can play this on a table. Each player places his/her pen/pencil at one of the edges of the table. However there are variations in which players start from the middle of the table.In the beginning, the youngest player starts. However, in games after the first one, the winner starts and then the player who came second and so on and so forth. Each player take turns and "move" there pens/pencils using a small amount of force. The player is not allowed to "grab" or "pick up" his/her pen and move. The contact with the pen with the finger should not be more than 1 seconds (this again depends on variations). The aim of the game is to "knock out" (popularly K/O) the pens/pencils out of the table. The last player's pen to be on the table wins. If a players hits his/her pen and some other pen falls with the hitter's pen (i.e. Victim and the hitter both fall) The hitter (in the next game) gets the later chance than the victim. However, they are both knocked out.
Qualifying Pens
Highlighters, compass (mathematics), whiteners and other stationary which is not a pen or a pencil is not qualifying. No modifications are allowed. However in newer versions of the game "illegally modified pens" are allowed.
Pens can be modified with pen parts only. Grips, pen handles and other pen parts are common. They increase friction, reducing the chance of getting knocked out.
Generally, normal school tables are used. However there is no limit of the size of the table. Unless there is no edge in the table, the table is allowed. In flash games the creators have made different types of tables. For example: wood, All felt up, Thin Ice, Blistering Narbacles etc.
Rage Mode Variation
In this players do not use a table. They use a floor or a big sized table. Players place objects such as books, pencils boxes and other "non qualifying" things which are available in school. They play the normal version until a pen gets three consecutive hits. The pen enters rage mode. In this the player gets 2 chances only if the first shot did hit someone. If someone touches the objects, they loose.<ref name="How to play pen fight" />
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