Paula-Louise Nelae


Actress and singer Paula-Louise Neale was born in London England in the mid 1970's to French/Italian parents.

Paula's family were well travelled and finally settled for a time in Southern Spain where Paula finished college.

Paula began writing for magazines shortly after finishing her English Literature degree. Drawing on her extensive travel expereince and wit these articles were popular with the European womens magazines.

From there Paula moved on to write for Sol Tv in Spain, and eventually moved into presenting and writing for them.

In 2008 Paula moved into acting, although never having secured the major roles, Paula enjoyed regular work with commercials and advertising, plus roles within the European and Bollywood film industries working with some of the worlds most respected directors and producers while still maintaining her presenting career with work for the Guiness World Record group and The Travel Channel, plus comparing several major events in London and Barcelona.





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