Patricia Zhou

Patricia Zhou is currently dancing at Staatsballett Berlin, previously dancing at the Royal Ballet. She previously trained at Kirov Academy of Ballet for her high school experience. She began professional ballet training at the age of 13.
Early life
Zhou danced as a child, but did not focus on just ballet. She did Chinese traditional dancing, jazz, tap, lyrical, and ballet. She was born in Canada, but was raised in Canton, Michigan. Her parents are both immigrants from China.
Zhou began dancing at the age of six, but not professionally. She was involved in many different styles and even experimented with acrobatics and gymnastics. She has an older sister named Rebecca Zhou, who also danced with her until Zhou joined the Kirov. The two sisters would be driven to dance classes after school by their parents sometimes dancing for four hours straight before returning home to complete school work. These long hours of training in many different styles gave Zhou the foundation and basics she needed for her professional career. She also had the chance to train at the age of 12 years old at the Beijing Dance Academy.
Zhou was accepted and enrolled to the Kirov Academy of Ballet in 2009 at the young age of 13. Here she would complete her high school academic courses, as well as train everyday for her professional career. By the time she was a senior at the Academy she was granted the star role of Odette in Swan Lake.
Zhou was offered positions at many profound ballet companies. She chose to join the Royal Academy of Ballet and was given a spot in the corps. In her first year she was chosen to dance a few solo roles. She then moved to the Staatsballett in Berlin.
Competitions and performances
Grand Prix, Prix de Lausanne, Stars of Ballet Gala, Dance Spirit Magazine, Pointe Magazine : in the wings, Dancing with the Stars, Kirov Spring and Winter Showcases of 2009-2012
Personal life
Zhou writes in a blog called ballerina chef.
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