
The Papillon-Method is a free, independent, nonlinear presentation and interpretation of knowledge.
It generates an interlinked "rhizomatic" knowledge world - -, that turns around a topic, and illuminates it in all of its depth. The method produces through its various perspectives and viewpoints flexible content in contexts as well in various multiplicities. This creates a picture of unity and diversity in terms of an open world view as necessity for living in a complex, multidimensional, global society.
The Papillon-Method focuses on the consistently multiple interlinking of knowledge as the essence of 21st Century.
The original idea to combine book and Internet, inspired the author Hardyna Vedder to developed the Papillon-Method for flexibility of "static" ebooks and texts in 2003.
The metaphor of the butterfly led to a more abstract approach to the concept as a free and independent system for generating dynamic content and resulted in an innovative educational project. Further application in various fields have emerged.
=="Papillon" concept in education==
"Papillon“ is a teaching and learning method adapted to the 21st Century. The global education concept is characterized by a multimedia, narrative staging of knowledge. Global is to be understood here in a dual sense, both as holistic learning as well as learning that makes a world reference for the own reality of life. The approach is a further development of the well known "static" format for eBooks and follows a special architecture. Interactive keywords provide in-depth and interdisciplinary insight in a prescribed or self-selected topic.
Knowledge spaces are emotionally, socially and empathically experienced. The concept favours an interdisciplinary approach
and thrives on its diversity of views and topics. It is transferable to all digital texts and grows with knowledge like a living organism, creates, uses, reuses and improves continuesly new things. By applying the Papillon-method online books are transformed into a huge dynamic ecosystem of knowledge.
The innovative universal principle is an inspiration and shows how to adapt learning content to the challenges of an increasingly converging world. It offers children a key, to adequately deal with topics of a totally changed global world. In an interconnected globalized society, one can not get along without networked thinking and acting.
The aim of the innovative teaching/learning methods is a vivid, emotional and instructive application of knowledge through the active involvement of the learner. Knowledge to apply is one of the key skills, that students make successful.
Today the digitization of our world is as significant as the invention of the alphabet. Therefore promotes "Papillon" the imparting of media literacy as a key cultural techniques of the 21st Century, because digital technology will mean a fundamental change in our perception.
Sociologist John W. Meyer is the opinion that it gradually comes to a connection of national education systems towards to a kind of global education apparatus, and finally "to a high degree of internationalization of educational content both in general as well in higher education and to a wide dissemination of the educational definition of the world as a common humankind and common living space".
The architecture of the educational concept is based on narration and interaction. The hybrid system combines the advantages of static and dynamic representation of contents.
The “Papillon” method offers a real and an imaginary level.
1. The real world of knowledge.
2. A fictional world of characters and stories.
With these two levels, learners can interact and offer the mind a stimulating cocktail of reward and discovery. Virtual learning environments and context-based interaction changing the structure of brains, influencing life-long learning abilities and reshape the brain networks - that support basic cognitive skills such as paying attention, reading and mathematics.
Level of narration
Classes need pictures and stories which stay in mind to show brittle, abstract contents in a vivid and understandable way. Stories with their colorful world of images are able to fulfill this task. They smooth the way for a magnificent imagination and encourag creativity, reading motivation and language skills. Reading is the most important prerequisite for learning success.
In addition virtual characters are included into the real learning process. They represent various attitudes and behaviour. Their contrary opinions include learners in the discussion and enable an educational entrance due to dialogue. The applied narrative structure is suitable for controverse dialogues. Students learn to accept other viewpoints and reduce conflicts.
The ability to see things in a different light, ie to understand the subjective perspective of the other person without giving up his own position, promotes tolerance and respect.
Level of interaction
In the process of the narrative a thematic orientation will be recommended which will allow a 3-dimensional view on the topical focus through the merger of book and internet. This method promotes multifunctional thinking. Seemingly diverse themes will be linked into a unique interdisciplinary universe of knowledge and due to the level of narration knowledge will be produced multimedia-based. This system of complex universal spirit allows children to see our world in a global context, fosters an creative mind as well as analytical abilities, teaches playful learning and motivates students to develop their own ideas - critical thinking.
The narrative keeps the priority even when the learner follows his/her thematic interest.
“Playing and learning are two sides of the same coin. If one side is omitted, the development is insufficient“, opines Prof. Fthenakis, a renowned pedagogy scholar and Professor for Developmental psychology and anthropology at the Free University of Bolzano Italy. Therefore, play-related elements also known as educational entertainment should be integrated more into the formally organized learning process in order to challenge the students to the proper extent.
Delimitation to conventional methods
The learning concept presents a new way of conception of contents which differs fundamentally from traditional learning methods and the already known e-learning. It goes way beyond pure e-learning-usage and outlines a contrast towards the known click and pick. The space of knowledge will be flexible shaped by the virtual world. Learners can often get forward only page by page or navigate at most via the fixed structure of the index. But exploratory learning, the discovery of the contents over its coherences fails because of missing links. To tie contextual links among and between study units offers in this method the possibility to provide flexibly linked information due to an attractive concept. Widely scattered information are ordered by theme and are brought into a coherent form. The combination of different multiple disciplines to a topic make content alive and updatable, provide multi-perspective views and promotes the ability to orient between virtual and real worlds. That is the New!
This kind of knowledge integration focuses multiple interpretations of a subject and can form a knowledge value chain.
The advantage reaches to the emotional motivating effects which are generated due to the identification with the characters, the exciting narrative level and the variety of themes of the active level. With this kind of learning can planted the germ of curiosity in the students. Learning results and motivation will be achieved when knowledge coherences are exploit and this exploration can be repeated self-dependent by the learner.
Papillon is the name and the principle of the educational concept. Butterflies represent metamorphosis and change. Their flutter from flower to flower is a symbol of the central principle: “multiple interlinking” because everything is connected in our global world. "Children must be given the opportunity to view a certain aspect from different perspectives. This is how they learn the same content in all of its complexity and learn in the process that different perspectives can result in different assessments.” Prof. Vassilios Fthenakis
The principle is based on an interdisciplinary and narrative presentation of knowledge. By merging seemingly oppositional themes such as nature and culture, art and science, tradition and new media, book and internet grows an interdisciplinary universe of knowledge. Just like a butterfly students are able to leave the classroom to learn in fascinating multimedia worlds, without being limited by time or space. Papillon knowledge spaces are experienced emotionally, socially and creative. The lessons will be easier, more interesting and stimulates the networked thinking. Pure knowledge is not enough to be innovative. Only when individual knowledge is recombined, then you can think of new and surprising solutions come to light. Pablo Picasso combined a bicycle saddle with a handlebars and out came "Bull's Head" (1942). An example of how scientists work together in interdisciplinary collaboration is the bionics.
With a new holistic view and with respect of the complexities of nature and society networked thinking and action will help to have a better understanding of the diversity of the global world and to solve the problems of the future.
„The traditional reductionist approach to the study of phenomena is beginning to give way to the pursuit of "big picture" questions about the nature of reality and the meaning of existence—which require a more interdisciplinary perspective.“ Jeremy Rifkin
River diversion, for example, is a complex system.
Every drop of water is a sensitive part of global water system that fulfill many tasks. Therefore, researchers need to examine all the factors together: climate, geology, land use and settlements. There is no simple answer only an answer in a context. “A small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.” Butterfly Effect
The principle is to anchor knowledge cross-curricular because our actions have long-term and sometimes dramatic consequences.
Practical use
The principle of a deeper, broader and more interconnected view on a topic is reflected in diverse applications:
Education - Transformation of Learning in an Interconnected World
1. Hypertopic is used for multi-viewpoints analysis of texts by students in information systems (Troyes University of Technology).
2. Hypertopic is used for multi-viewpoints analysis of pictures by students in art history (Toulouse 2 University).
Publishing - Evolution of books
1. Storytelling in the Digital Age
2. Interactive textbooks
3.Enhanced "Research Tool" improves writing
Internet Data - Deep Web Search
Multidisciplinary Deep Web Search
The Knowledge Graph is the moving from being an Information engine to becoming a Knowledge engine.
German Education Server publishes the Papillon-Method, (Click on the right side "Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert")
MERLOT, California State University
Connexions, Rice University, Houston
ScientificCommons, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
One Laptop per Child (OLPC)
OER COMMONS - Open educational resources
Expert report on PapillonMethod
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