Nikka Silva

Nina Kristina Cabral Silva (born: 6 December 2002 - died: 4 January 2012), or simply known as Nikka, was a known Filipino 2nd Grade student in Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School, who suffered Biliary atresia since birth until her death in 4 January 2012 at the age of 9.
6 December 2011, Nikka was born with a congenital defect where her biliary system did not function well. Biles from her liver to her intestine did not flow. She was diagnosed with Biliary atresia. As early 3 months old, she was operated through "Kasai procedure" to connect her small intestine to her liver for bile to flow to her intestine.
During her early age, She had many several hospitalizations, but those occasions didn't stop her from living and enjoying a normal life.
24 August 2011, Nikka was 8.5 years old, when she took her check-up in The Medical City. According to their doctor, Nikka was diagnosed with Biliary atresia, a deadly liver disease wherein there was a blockage in the tubes that carry liquid called bile from the liver to the gallbladder. This time, her liver is on its advance-cirrhotic stage. Her spleen was getting bigger and the veins around her liver were also affected.The only treatment or solution to this problem was liver transplantation, however, this treatment or medical procedure costs P4.5 million.
2 September 2011, the Silva family posted a letter of donating for the liver transplantation of their daughter, Nikka Silva in the blogger. When their friends heard about this, they created a “pondo” or donation for the liver transplantation of Nikka Silva at The Medical City, however the amount of money inside its donation was small and unable to reached P4.5 million.
In Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila School, all the students including the Brothers Matias received a letter or message about donating money for Nikka's liver transplantation by November 2011. It said in the letter they should donate at least P50 for Nikka's liver transplantation. Some students donated exact P50 and some students donated a larger bill that were bigger than P50.
7 December 2011, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) donated P1.5 million for the liver transplantation of Nikka Silva. Mister Silva, Nikka's father, thanked the PCSO chairperson, Margarita Juico, PCSO general manager Jose Ferdinand Rojas, and all PCSO members because they see or heard about a donation for treatment of his daughter, Nikka Silva.
8 December 2011, they posted a reminder or letter for the blood donors to come at The Medical City Blood Bank and donate money at "Nikka in God's Loving Hands." Days later, Nikka Silva made a YouTube video that she ask help from the Filipinos to donate for her liver transplantation.
The money for the donation of Nikka's liver transplantation wasn't enough to pay. As it reached 4 January 2012, Nikka died at the age of 9, due of Biliary atresia and haven't taken a medical procedure or treatment.
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