Loren Fitzpatrick

Loren Fitzpatrick is a fictional recurring character on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street. She is portrayed by Sophia Johnson. She has been on the soap since January 20th 2010.
Character History
Before Shortland Street
Loren was born in 1991 to Reuben Fitzpatrick and his unnamed wife. In 1993, when Loren was 2, Reuben taught at the Catholic school that Stuart Neilson attended. A few years later. Lorens younger brother was born with autism. This affected Loren deeply as they got a lot of media coverage and she did not like that as they were being painted as the perfect family. Details after this were not made clear on Shortland Street other than Lorens mother dieing and Reuben remarrying a women called Jewel.
Meeting Daniel Potts
Loren first appeared in Shortland Street in January 2010 when she had gained employment at the refurbished Sugar Cafe. She noticed Daniel Potts sitting alone at the cafe and talked to him. Daniel was having problems with his mother Sarah and step father TK Samuels. Daniel found Loren easy to talk to and told her all his problems. The two soon started a close friendship and they walked in on TK Samuels kissing Brooke Freeman. Loren instantly took a dislike to Brooke as she was the type of women stereotyped by the media. Loren managed to convince Daniel to campaign against immunizations as they apparently helped people develop autism. But Daniels mother told him some facts about them and Daniel accused Loren of trying to support something that she did not understand, Loren yelled at him and showed him her brother who had autism. Daniel felt very bad and the next day apologized.
Sabotage and turning Daniel vegetarian
Loren was appaled to see that Daniel was working on a pro immunization website for his mother and while Daniel was taking a shower, Loren sabotaged it. Sarah unaware of this presented the website to some of the DHB. Once Daniel had found out, he yelled at Loren but she managed to convince him again about the wrongs of immunization and Daniel refused to make the website any more. The two started to date and as Daniel went to kiss Loren, she pulled away saying she smelt meat on his breath. Loren insisted that Daniel go vegetarian, he tried but could not do it. Loren accepted that that was who Daniel was. In March, Lorens father and step mother organised a play which was The Importance of being Earnest. They hired Loren and Daniel (thinking he would be able to kiss Loren). They also hired Yvonne Jeffries, Ben Goodall and Gerald Tippett who ended up getting the role Daniel auditioned for. On the opening night, Loren told Daniel she was not aware that they were even dating which resulted in Daniel storming off. Loren went to the apartment and the two indulged in sexual intercourse. Daniel was very pleased but Loren ran away the next morning, she would always be upset and when Daniel tried to ask why it always ended in them having sex.
The tables turn
To try and solve the problem, Daniel started to ignore txts from Loren and pretended she did not exist for two days. This resulted in Loren confronting him at the IV and threatening to break up with him. Though the two eventually went back to normal, except for when Daniel put a picture of him and Loren on his social network page. Loren did not like this as it bought back memories of her child hood and the two shorlty broke up but Brooke Freeman got them back together. In may, Loren was at the nurses flat with Daniel and Daniel went to get a condom and found TKs ones that Brooke had poked holes in hoping a baby would secure her and TKs future. Loren and Daniel then went on to have sex. Loren formed a close friendship with Sophie Mitchell and helped her try and expose their teacher Ashton as using sex for marks. He wasnt though and Loren discovered that class mate Eden was pregnant and about to have an abortion. On May 18 2010, Loren admitted to Daniel that she loves him and he told her he felt the same way. She then proceeded to trip and sprain her ankle. In ED, Maxwell Avia informed her that she was pregnant.
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