Logos Lab School

Logos Lab School is a program for gifted and talented students in middle school. It is located in rooms 200, 201, 202, and 206 of the Julia E. Test Middle School building in Richmond, Indiana.

Pull-out program
In the years of 5th & 6th grade canidate students are pulled out of their classes to go to Dennis Middle School for a sort of "practice" Logos. This is called the "pull-out program". In middle school, students in the Logos program go to the Logos Lab School which is located at Test Middle School in Richmond, Indiana. (It's location has moved in the last 8 years, so it may not stay there for long.) The Logos program is led by four excellent teachers that are over-qualified for regular teachers. The program allows students to be very relaxed, yet they still receive an education better than an ordinary Middle School. The school consists of only around 60 students, so every student gets a great opportunity to meet other students and build relationships with students their age.

The name for Logos, which is Greek, has a significance. The meaning of that word logos pretty well explains, except to a much larger degree than the school, what it is all about.


The courses offered at Logos are good important classes that is a necessity for your child's education. French(okay wait you just said necessity for education what the does french have to with good education i mean COME ON), science (covering a large subject area of all types of sciences including chemistry, the human body, studying atoms, and so much more), humanities which covers grammar and social studies, and mathematics. There is the course that makes Logos known, and that is the projects every nine weeks. You can choose any appropriate subject and you are to do a presentation over the subject including visuals, called products at Logos, and an oral presentation.
Logos is a place where the teach get away with telling their student that they are retards.

Student evaluation
Logos uses a different grading method, unlike other local middle schools that use letter grades. Every six weeks (four times a school year) Logos students write a self-evaluation in which they are expected to reflect on their work and keep Bloom's Taxonomy 6th level of thinking, from comprehension to evaluation to evaluate work.
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