Legends of Voldavia

Legends of Voldavia: Myths & Prophecies is a young-adult fantasy adventure book written by American author K. E. Scanlan. The book chronicles the story of fifteen year old Draven Aurelius and his friends Hyaat and Ariel Buckley, Princess Keira Moore, and a talking panda named Ghalleon. The main story arc involves Draven, orphaned at a young age and raised by adoptive parents on the island of Sterces, traveling to the Voldavian mainland and discovering that their is an entire world of magic and mystery that he had never before known to exist. Throughout the story, Draven and his friends seek to discover the missing pieces of Draven's past as well as the location of the fabled Aal Shah'meik, the Dark Knight of the Goddess. All the while, the Order of the Knights of Tempus struggle to protect Draven from the long exiled sorcerer, Lord Gaius Mideus, who seeks to return and regain his control over all of Voldavia.
Draven Aurelius, barely four years of age, survives that fall of the great city of Rature. He is discovered along the shorelines of the small village of Three Hills by a washerwoman. She and her husband raise Draven as their own, away from the trial and tribulations of the Voladavian mainland.
All is well, until the headstrong boy and his life-long friend, Hyaat Buckley, decide to witness the Summer Games on the nearby island of Gauff. There, they encounter the island's tyrant ruler, whose revelation, "the son of Daniel ... so you live after all," changes Draven's life forever.
From there, Draven is whisked away from Three Hills and introduced to a world of magic and and wonder he never knew existed. Amidst the chaos of friends and enemies he meets along the way, Draven must discover the meaning behind an ancient legend ... A promise delivered by the Goddess herself before she vanished from Voldavia long ago.
Myths & Prophecies was published published on November 2, 2010 as a young adult fantasy adventure. According to the author, K. E. Scanlan, it is book one in the Legends of Voldavia series. The second book in the series is currently in progress, and an e-book conversion of Myths & Prophecies is on the way in the near future.
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