Kounter Kulture

Kounter Kulture is a London art fair running from October 14-19, 2008 that features a host of contemporary artists from the emerging to the more established, with a focus on more unconventional art-forms like graffiti and graphic design. It offered an alternative to mainstream London art fairs taking place during the same time including Frieze Art Fair and Zoo Art Fair and was located in the Old Truman Brewery in London.
Kounter Kulture is self-described as "all about the art, the artists and a sense of discovery - bringing the essence of London’s arts week back to its roots."
Featured Artists
At the 2008 event, featured artists included Rob Carter, Stuart Semple, Will Tuck, Dave White, , Wang Jie, Miss Bugs, Pure Evil, Josie McCoy and Justine Smith.
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