Kalyanasundara Sastrigal

Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal is a research scholar of Vedanta from Tamilnadu, India.
Early life
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal born in Varahoor
village in the Thanjavur district.
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal studied under
Karungulam Krishna Sastrigal at the Sanskrit College, Madras in the year 1932
and passed the Sahitya Sironmani Examination as well.
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal studied under Veppathur
Vaidyanatha Sastrigal at Aiyavuaiyer Patasala, Kumbakonam from 1934 to 1937 and
with great distinction
he passed the Vedanta
Sironmani Examination.
In Sanskrit College, Madras(Chennai).
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal joined The
Sanskrit College, Madras in the year 1938 as a research scholar. He published a
thesis on the topic “ Vrutti Mimamsa”
He served 16 years as a Pandit in the Government Oriental
Manuscript library. He involved in many rare manuscript works apart from his
own Editions and publications and assisted many curators in lot of rare
publications there.
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal soon received an
invitation from Vivekananda College in
the year 1956 as a teacher of Vedanta in the Post Graduate department of
Sanskrit. Also he taught other subjects too for the M.A. classes.
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal was selected for three-year research fellowship by UGC and he joined as Professor of Sanskrit in the
year 1971
At Upanished ashram, Nungambakkam, he had given discourses on
Sankara’s prasthanatraya bhashyas for past 30 years in the conventional style.
Recognition from Sri Sankaracharya
Sri V.R. Kalyanasundara Sastrigal is more close to his
holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Mahaswamiji and
in the year 1963 Sastrigal
received Bhashya Bhavajna Award from Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Mahaswamiji for the brilliance and works in Sanskrit and Vedanta. He was honoured with the President’s award for Sanskrit in the
year 1963.
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