Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition

Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition is a national youth organization in the Philippines which aims to amplify youth voices through organizing and increasing representation in various dialogues, consultation and government policy making forums.
SKC works in the local level through Regional Ambassadors leading a regional council of Representatives and member organizations. SKC's members are Young Workers, Students, Out-of-School Youth, Youth Unions, Student Councils and Local Youth organizations.
It was founded on August 18, 2013 at the PSLINK National headquarters in Quezon City, Philippines. SKC has been a member of Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK) since March 2014. PSLINK’s various programs is playing a major role to its development.
Campaigns and Advocacies
Freedom of Information Law
SKC is a part of the Right to Know, Right now! Coalition, a broad network of Civil Society Groups pushing for the passage of an FOI (Freedom of Information) Law and its youth network, FOI Youth Initiative.
Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition endorses the FOI Youth Initiative's Manifesto: We are the FOI Youth Initiative (FYI), a national network of youth and student organizations that call for transparency and accountability in government through the immediate passage of the People's freedom of Information Act. We are in solidarity with different sectors of society in the clamor for more solid mechanisms that enable governance that is open and
honest to the people. We affirm that our right to information enshrined in the
Constitution must be institutionalized through the People's FOI Act to
guarantee that transparency among public officials and employees becomes a norm
and not simply a discretion of individuals bound by their terms of office. We believe that the People's FOI Act is a measure
that shall curb corruption and advance participatory governance that
will truly benefit each and every Filipino. We oppose the inclusion of an unconstitutional and anti-press
freedom Right of Reply rider within the FOI Bill because this dilutes the
essence of a proposed law that seeks to strengthen the right to information of
all Filipinos. We urge President Benigno S. Aquino III to go beyond a mere
declaration of support for the passage of the FOI Bill by certifying it as
urgent in fulfillment of his promise of change to the people. thumb We appeal to all Senators and Representatives of the 16th
Congress to immediately place the FOI Bill on top of the legislative agenda and
to eliminate all obstacles that seek to delay its passage. Finally, we call on our fellow young leaders to join us in
fighting for the passage of the proposed People's FOI Act into law to
ultimately transform our government into an institution that is worthy of the
trust of the people that it serves. Last July 17, 2013, SKC together with PSLINK joined the coalition in filing the Freedom of Information bill at the Philippine Senate through a petition filed as an indirect initiative, allowed under Republic Act 6735 or "The Initiative and Referendum Act", empowers people's organizations to directly propose a bill. SKC has also participated and organized activities that will amplify public clamor for an FOI act especially from the youth in the Philippines.
As a member of Public Services Labor Independent Confederation and Public Services International, we commit ourselves for the development of a Strong, Accountable, Comprehensive,
Responsive, Effective, and Democratic (SACRED) Quality Public Services. Young
people, comprising a huge percentage, if not majority of the Labor force
particularly in the Philippines are a primary stakeholder in Labor Issues.
Young people are also the most vulnerable to abuse and exploitation in the
workplace. With this, SKC takes a firm stand against exploitation, Child Labour, unjust labor practices, Contractualization and promulgation of Precarious working conditions.
Books and Toys for Mangyan Children
The Books and Toys for the Mangyan Children Project is spearheaded by the Sigaw ng Kabataan Coalition (United Youth’s Voice) launched last December 9, 2014.
We saw the need for Education materials and the School facility itself at the Tadyawan Mangyan Tribe/Community in Gloria, Mindoro when SKC team visited the place last May 3-5, 2014 for a Gift giving and Feeding Activity.
This Project aims to provide the Mangyan Children, initially the Tadyawan Tribe in Sitio Avocado, Gloria, Oriental Mindoro Books, Toys and other Educational Materials to aid their informal learning.
1st Phase: There will be a 3-day Community Immersion activity on May 3-5, 2015 in the Municipalities of Gloria and Bansud, Oriental Mindoro which shall be the launching of the project implementation at the area.
2nd Phase: The team will go back to the community to give and conduct more education promoting activities such as Story telling, modern and ethnic game playing, etc. in December 2015. We will also check what else the SKC could do for the Mangyan Children.
We are taking the opportunity to engage young people to civic activities and in boosting their enthusiasm to help our underprivileged compatriots and to underscore that Education is a fundamental right and not a privilege.
* Passage of Freedom of Information Act
* Passage of a Security of Tenure Act
* Passage of SK Reform Act
* Community Leadership Training and Workshop
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