Kalki Bhagavan

Kalki Bhagavan (b. March 7 1949) ) is the Indian founder of the spiritual movement known variously as Oneness University, Kalki Dharma, Bhagavad Dharma, and the Golden Age Foundation.
He was born Vijay Kumar in Arcot district, Tamil Nadu, and at various times has also used names such as Mukteshwar, Sri Kalki Bhagavan, and Sri Bhagavan.

Bhagavan and Amma (not to confused with Mata Amritanandamayi) claim to be two divine beings, or Avatars. They reside at Golden City, near Chennai, in India. Their stated mission is to bring all of humanity into the Golden Age. They claim that they will fully enlighten 64,000 people in the world. These people in a highly enlightened state of communion would transform the rest of the humanity by 2012.

According to them, this state of enlightenment is offered to seekers through a process known as deeksha. Deeksha is a transfer of divine energy that is said to be so powerful it has the ability to break through the concepts and conditioning of our mind.

Bhagavan is quoted as saying, "The mind of man is like a wall which divides man from God. The deeksha is an electrical energy that makes a hole in this wall, which we call the mind. Once this happens, then God and man can come to relate to each other."
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