Kaival Gyan Mandir

In 1829 a child known as Bal Kuver was sent down by the universal god named Kaiva Karta. He was sent down to earth to spread the knowledge of Kaival. As he came to earth he bought down several things such as the Pancham Shukshma Ved, which is one of the 5 Religous books in the hinduism religon. Over the years he was called Paramguru. The Guru of Guru's. With his knowledge and purity he was able to perform tasks that no ordinary humans could perform. From making a pomegranate tree stay healty and alive since he blessed it, to writing 15 holy books on how to reach salvation. to find out more visit
Kaival Gyan Mandir'
This marvelous temple is the first out of India to be opened. In 2007 Kaival Gyan Mandir was opened and has been running well as time goes by. Over the years the temple and its people have been growing, and developing making a strong foundation. This temple may not seem as if it is the best of the world, it lacks architectural preferences but what goes on inside of it makes it what it is. From programs such as Dewali, Mahibij, Gurupunima,ect.. to daily classes teaching children about Hinduism. With devoted members, and worshipers; this temple has a bright future. To learn more about this temple's amazing background and personalities vist kaival.org
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