Johnny Gamble

Johnny Gamble (August 12, 1984 is an Australian blogger and software developer who is most famous for having created the webpage Sirgamble dot com, a creative attempt at turning the simple idea of a blog into a -style rants page for the masses. He has seen emphatic success rates during his time as a blogger and is well respected by the general blogging community.

Gamble was born in Canberra, ACT. His academic talents first flourished when he completed his Bachelor of Physical and Health Education in 2005; however even at that early stage peers of him have noted he was more than your regular PE teacher. In the following year, 2006, he completed a Master's in IT in Education and Training. This is widely believed to be where he obtained the skills required to create such complex sites as Sirgamble dot com.

The Early Days
While it is not known at what date Gamble started out, however his official web page makes it clear that he started as a high school student, and purchased his first web domain at the age of 18 as before this age he was unable to obtain a Visa debit card from his bank.

Gamble's first successful web page was djgamble dot com. This page was the host to what he describes as; "a few funky little applescripts had created" "Sirgamble Rant A Day as well as some "more substantial programs" and

The Jason Falk Affair
In 2007 Gamble moved to Japan. During the same year his renewal period for djgamble dot com came up however he was not in Australia so was unable to renew his web page. A squatter called Jason Falk legally purchased djgamble dot com, thereby ending the previously infamous site, which sported more than 5 000 000 hits during its life span.

The kebabification of
In 2008 Gamble (then known as Sirgamble) created a comical parody of the classic computer game Lemonade Stand. He called his game "Kebab Shop", while it wasn't very successful, it was a great achievement, and a testament to what one man can do with PHP if he puts his heart to it. The game is available at

Fans of Johnny Gamble
Doborah Shadovitz mentions DJ/Johnny Gamble's program "N Commander" under her list of favourite software.

Versiontracker Rates DJ/Johnny Gamble's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy widget 4/5 stars, and has many positive reviews in his favour.

Softpedia Gives DJ/Johnny Gamble's Sound Balance hack a rating of 5 stars as well as a Softpedia Clean award.
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