Job ticket

Job ticket is a Pseudo-anglicism used in German, and in the English-language publication of some German institutions, for a monthly or annual season tickets, purchased en block from a German regional transport association by public or private organisations for use by their staff.
These free bus or train passes usually require the purchasing organisation to buy a large number of tickets (typically 20 or more), and for at least 50% of their workforce. In return they offer a large discount on the price of individual season tickets. For very large organisations other special benefits are arranged, too, e.g. new bus routes to connect major employment sites. As a result, the phrase "Job ticket" is often found in job advertisements from major German institutions.
Many organisations further reduce the cost of the season tickets to their staff by charging a reduced price, or passing the tickets on free of charge - effectively subsidising their employee's travel to work. Purchasing organisations are also responsible for ticketing administration, such as issuing of the photocards and the actual tickets.
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