Hash Brown On A Bun

The Hash Brown On A Bun was inspired by the ramen noodle bun.
The Hash Brown originates back to in the 1888 when Maria Parloa created the Hash or Hashed Brown. Hash browns or hashed browns are a simple potato preparation in which potato pieces are pan-fried after being shredded, julienned, diced, or riced. In some cultures, hash browns or hashed browns can refer to any of these preparations, while in others it may refer to one specific preparation. In parts of the UK, hash browns can mean fried left over mashed potato. Hash browns are a staple breakfast food at diners in North America, where they are often fried on a large common cooktop or grill.
The Bun is a small, sometimes sweet, bread. The Bun is commonly hand-sized or smaller, domed in shape, with a flat bottom.
Basic buns are usually made using flour, sugar, milk, yeast, and butter. Sometimes they contain sultanas and currants as well, and some varieties are topped with an icing and sometimes filled with jam. Other fillings do occur. Varieties of buns do exist, such as round sticky buns, currant buns or iced buns.
"Bun" may also refer to a kind of filled dumpling, as Chinese baozi and the Lutonian Halapchi. A bun can be long and skinny, short and round, and come in many different shapes and sizes.
Hash Brown's on Bun's are a major part of school canteens.
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