Gliese 898

Gliese 898 is a binary star located in the night sky at Right ascension 23h 32m 49s and declination −16° 50′ 44″ in the constellation of Aquarius and is moving with a total Proper Motion of 0.411 yr.
At a distance of 45.5 light Years (15.43 ± .98 pc) and with an absolute magnitude of 7.68 this star has an apparent magnitude of 8.36 and so is not visible with the naked eye from earth.
The Binary star is composed of two parts, the main component star is a k5V class star and its companion is an M class red dwarf star. There are no known Planets in the system and the nearest stellar neighbours are NN 4352, the binary star Gliese 897a/b with which it may motionally linked, and Hip 116003.
Other names by which Gliese 898 is also known include HD221503, HIP116215, BD-17 ° 6769,
SAO165756, YPC:5695.00 and Vys:864A.
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