Gliese 532

Gliese 532 is a K5 V class star located in the night sky at RA 13h 52m 00s and dec +49° 57′ 03″ in the constellation of Ursa Major.
At a distance of 45.7 light Years (13.57 ± 1.14 pc ) and an absolute magnitude of 8.24 this star has an apparent magnitude of 8.99 when viewed from earth.
The star has a total proper motion of 0.448 yr and a temperature of 3500-5000K.
The star has a M0 class companion and but no known planets. Its nearest stellar neighbours are Hip66625, Gl549B and Theta Boötis
The star is also known as HD 234078, HIP- 67691, 50° 2030, SAO-28910 and YPC: 3166.01, Vys: 702 and Hei 8
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