Gliese 420

Gliese 420 is a binary star system located at a distance of 47.9 ly light Years found in the night sky at RA 11h 15m 12s and dec +73° 28′ 31″ in the constellation of Draco.
The system comprises two stars, Gl 420 A, and the smaller Gl 420 B. The two stars have a combined absolute magnitude of 8.06 and an apparent magnitude of 7.26, and a total Proper Motion of 0.417 yr when viewed from earth.
The primary star is a K5 V class star with a surface temperature of 3500-5000K, a Luminosity of 5.54713e+25 and no known Planets. This star has an individual absolute magnitude of 6.846 and is also known as HD 97584, HIP-54952, +74° 456, YPC: 2611.00, Vys: 603A and cd -51 12998.
The smaller secondary star (Gl 420 B) is a M0.5 class star and is alternatively designated BD +74° 456, YPC:2611.00, Vys 603B and ADS 8100C.
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