Glenn Hurst

Glenn Hurst (born October 30, 1969) is an American doctor and member of the Democratic Party. Dr. Hurst is seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination for the U.S. Senate in 2022. He lives with his wife and daughter in Minden Iowa. Dr. Hurst currently an elected official on the City Council of Minden and operates a private medical clinic.
Early life and education
Born on a U.S. military base, Hurst moved with his family until they settled in the rural Midwest. He has lived a life of activism and leadership. He and his brother were active in Scouting, both earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Dr. Hurst went on the Marquette University where he was an early leader in the movement against apartheid in South Africa, leading protests against Marquette’s refusal to divest from investments in companies doing business in that country. He completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Nebraska while advocating for children in foster care, eventually becoming a foster parent himself.
He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Nebraska Omaha and graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center as a Medical Doctor in 2006. He completed the Accelerated Family Medicine Residency program at UNMC in 2009. He was Chief Resident of the program 2007-2008.
Medical Career
Hurst got his start in medicine working in healthcare administration. He engaged in studies of access to care in rural communities as well as providing the initial analysis of the psychiatric care shortage in Nebraska and Iowa. He then worked to place specialty physicians in rural communities around Iowa and Nebraska. From there he decided to return to school and become a rural healthcare provider himself. Hurst provides care and oversees clinics in his hometown of Minden, Iowa, and the surrounding Pottawattamie County area.
Advocacy Work
A founding member of the Indivisible movement in Iowa and Nebraska, Hurst has actively organized in rural Iowa to advocate for Medicare for All, to fight for a living wage for all Iowans, and to support labor unions by rallying against collective bargaining limitations.
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Hurst was a regular contributor on CNN, NPR, and other outlets encouraging Americans to get vaccinated and wear masks, while calling on public officials to follow the science.
Political Career
Hurst currently serves his community as a Minden City Councilman. Prior to declaring his Senate candidacy, Hurst was a leader in the Iowa Democratic Party as Chair of the Rural Caucus and Chair of the Third Congressional District Central Committee where he worked tirelessly on the successful re-election of Congresswoman Cindy Axne.
Medicare for All
Dr. Hurst is a staunch supporter of Medicare for All which includes the expansion of coverage to include vision, dental, hearing, mental health, and long-term care. He has been an outspoken supporter of a woman’s right to choose including on-demand abortion and over-the-counter access to Plan B without a prescription.
He sees the establishment of Medicare for All as a tool for revitalizing our rural communities by expanding the primary care pool and empowering rural hospitals to return to full service including emergency services, ambulance, and birthing. A single-payer system would allow access to care regardless of income and establish access to care as a human right in the United States.
Rural Revitalization
More than 100 rural hospitals have closed across rural America in the last decade as schools consolidate and businesses on Main Streets shutter. Hurst believes his opponent and others in Congress have failed to invest in rural America and have exacerbated the lack of services. His campaign raises the bar for investments in rural America that will improve access to schools and healthcare, build out broadband for all, and invest in roads, bridges, and housing. These investments and more can rebuild rural communities so that rural residents don’t have to move to find work while increasing the tax base for more services.
Climate Action & the Environment
Hurst believes America needs bold action to tackle climate change. A rural resident, the quality of air, water, and the weather is personal as it impacts outdoor recreation and hunting, and growing the food, fiber, and fuel that the rest of the world relies on. Hurst knows that not only will tackling climate change improve air and water quality and mitigate severe weather patterns, doing so will create jobs that will last us generations.
Immigration Reform
The dwindling population in rural America is very much offset by immigration. Without new residents, much of rural America would be in even worse condition. Hurst knows that the story of immigrants is the basis of our country, and believes that thoughtful immigration reform will support rural businesses and communities while providing shelter and safety to those who had little choice but to leave their home countries.
Wealth Equality & Labor Rights
Hurst has long been a supporter of unions and worker rights. Early in his advocacy efforts, he fought to retain workers' collective bargaining rights. Today he continued the fight by joining Iowa UAW members at the October 2021 picket line at the John Deere facility in Ankeny, Iowa. Too many CEOs, like that of John Deere, are reaping the rewards of America's workers, making billions of dollars off the backs of those making American products. Hurst believes American workers and the Middle Class deserve better and shouldn’t pay more in taxes than the richest Americans.
He has also stood with the workers at Kellogg's and spoke out in support of the Smithfield workers whose lives were risked as first-line workers in the Covid crisis.
Voting Rights
Dr. Hurst fully supports federal legislation to ensure that all voters in this country have equal access to the ballot box. It is the duty of each state to implement that fair process which should include a reasonable absentee ballot request and return timeline, full access to voting for those with disabilities, same-day voter registration, and a national holiday for the general election.
U.S. Senate candidacy
In August of 2021, Dr. Hurst announced his candidacy for candidacy in the Des Moines Register for the 2022 U.S. Senate election in Iowa, for the seat held by Chuck Grassley.
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