Female telenovela villains

In every telenovela there are villains and some of them are always women. The main charasteristic of female telenovela villains is that they are selfish, greed and often spoiled so that they believe that they can get anything and anyone they want. This wiki-page is dedicated to them. To the women we love to hate.

Telenovelas & Characters

Mi Gorda bella (Venezuela)

Olimpia Mercouri Villenueva
*Persona: The true image of telenovela villain. Selfish and bottomlessly greedy. Enjoys other peoples suffering and often causes it. Doesn't love anyone except for herself and her son Orestes, of who she is obsessed off.
*Crimes/Misdeeds: Murdered her brother-in-law and his wife as well as her aunt-in-law, is constantly trying to murder her husband's niece Valentina and her aunt, stole valentina's inheritage, locked her own daughter in to a cellar to rot for a year.
*Destiny: End's up in prison, but escapes after being stabbed. Tried to flee with her evil sidekick but end up dying in an explosion.

Ariadna Villenueva
*Persona: Spoiled rich girl, used to getting what she wants. Not used to the word No. Has recived lot of things but not so much love. Tries to hide her own inner insecurities by bullying her sister and fat cousin. Does bad things to others and still wonders why bad things happen to her.
*Crimes/Misdeeds: Pulls mean and sometimes cruel brangs on her cousin Valentina. Once participated in drugging her brother on his batchelor-night to trick his bride Valentina into thinking he was cheating on her.
*Destiny: After becoming an alcoholic finally in the end starts to realise the error of her ways and behaviour. In the end re-composes her and becomes nice.

Chiqui Lorenz
*Persona: Spoiled rich kid. Has never really grown up. Thinks she's the center of the universe. Believes that beauty, money and social status are the most important things in the world. Under it all she too is insecure and thats why hangs on the her boyfriend like a life-jacket. Has prejudice against poor social classes.
*Crimes/Misdeeds: Once drugged her ex-boyfriend on his batchelor-night to convince his bride he was cheating on her with Chiqui. Lied about the paternity of her baby and tried to pass it of as her husbands.
*Destiny: In the end excepted that her true love was a poor man and with his help changed to a better person. Stopped plotting and made friends with her old enemy, Valentina.

Zorro: La Espada y la Rosa (Columbia)

Mariángel Sánchez de Moncada
*Persona: Evil from top to bottom. Is uncapable of loving anyone aside from herself, even her own child. Uses people to her own advantage and then throws them overboard once they've no more usefull to her.
*Crimes/Misdeeds: Drugged her future husband to bed him and through that to force him to marry her, married her husband for money intending to get rid of him and her sister later, participated in imprisonating and tormenting her sister Esmeralda, tried to poison her own aunt, accidentally shot her father while trying to kill her sister.
*Destiny: Ends up nearly devoured by cannibals. Then days later gets stabbed to death by an ex-lover while shooting him.
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