Daniel Gauntlett

Daniel Lee Gauntlett (1978-2013) was a homeless man who died of hypothermia
Gauntlett had worked in the scrap metal trade, and as a decorator. In 2006 his marriage broke up and he separated from his wife and two children. He was briefly imprisoned for burglary three years before his death. His mother, brother, sister and niece live in East Malling, three miles from Aylesford. Gauntlett's parents' are divorced and his younger brother died at the age of 18. He suffered from depression.
On the night of 23 February 2013, with the -2°C temperature exacerbated by wind chill, Gauntlett left his tent and moved to sleep away from the frozen ground, on the veranda of an empty, boarded-up bungalow in Hermitage Lane, Aylesford. which was due to be bulldozed. On this night, Gauntlett took "the fatal decision to abide by the law", and stayed outside. asserting he was personally responsible for Gauntlett's death.
situation of homeless people is already desperate. Mike Weatherley is personally responsible for making it worse. I hope he remembers that every time he tries to go to sleep. It is true that some of those who are homeless have squatted but this does not make them squatters. A typical squatter is middle-class, web-savvy, legally minded, university-educated and, most importantly, society-hating. They are political extremists whose vision for society is a dysfunctional medieval wasteland without property rights, where an Englishman’s castle is no longer his home.
On the same Saturday, Douglas Poynton, 45, another homeless man, died in Aylesford. An inquest is ongoing into the cause of death.
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