Travis Kirke

Travis Kirke- a.k.a. Captain Kirke

Australian Grand-Prix driver, born in 1989.
Kirke plans to start shift work at ANZ after his upcoming birthday, although he will only get four days off a week, so has to work all weekend.
poor Travis.
Kirke is vice-ruler of the known universe in his spare time, and enjoys playing on the computer.
his girlfriend, Elwahh, is not imaginary, and he spends lots of time at her house, ruining her pancake mixtures and creating a mess at the dining table.
Kirke is a brain and a half, and has a cool security pass on a retractable windy thinger, which Elwahhs' sister Eventury broke.
Elwahh also has another sister, Elimy, who is supreme ruler of the known universe, who is uber-cool, and awesome at everything she does.

Kirkes' family consists of:
Mr Kirke- 49, a COE at a big company that i cant spell. yes, its COE, not CEO.
Mrs Kirke- younger than Mr Kirke, a teacher. poor Mrs Kirke...
Older brother- Derwood, XXXXXXBRAINS! and good at wakeboarding. slightly moody, but entertaining.
Travis- also XXXXXXBRAINS!, though not quite as much as Derwood, as thus proven.
Younger brother- Razzamatazza, should grow up to be XXXXXXBRAINS!, and is in Eventurys year at school. Travis speculates that Razzamatazza could be adopted, due to his curly hair. here i remind Travis that i have blonde hair, though neither my parents nor my older sibling do, and i am quite sure i am not adopted. though Eventury is. =P jj

Kirke also enjoys water skiing, playing hockey, Firefox, and super awesome movies such as 'Knocked Up' and 'Superbad' which he hasn't seen yet but i have recommended to him so he is bound to love them.
He also loves transformers.
And puppies. Especially Flufftard and Mufftard, Elwahhs' dogs.
And Elwahh, to some extent. she is weird and funny looking, and very entertaining and pedantic about lucky things, such as crossing your kebab sticks and spilling salt.

Travis' Myspace is ''
leave him a comment, he needs friends to go pub-crawling with.
he wont let me come =[
one day...

Travis also doesn't know the difference between coral and sponge.

Travis fully endorses this page. In fact, he asked me to write it.
So there.
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