Chihuahua Heights Chihuahua Heights is a TV show about the classy, rich lifestyle of LA, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills Chihuahuas. The show focuses on Kipper the pet of Cheryl Winston a famous actress and Sissy, the pet of Janice Lane another famous actress and all their other dog friends. Characters: Kipper Winston: The pet of "Hollywood's Hottest Actress" Cheryl Winston. He enjoys his laid back lifestyle, getting anything he wants. He is a light brown Chihuahua with a diamond encrusted collar that says: KIPPER. He is in love with Sissy Lane. Sissy Lane: The pet of famous actress Janice Lane. She is a very causious dog and is friends with all the local LA, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills dogs. She is a cream colored Chihuahua. She doesn't take advantage of the rich lifestyle but prefers to be simple. Cheryl Winston: With the title of "Hollywood's Hottest Actress" she is the most talked about celebrity of the time. She loves animals, especially dogs. She has blonde hair and a tan body. She is best friends with Janice Lane another famous actress. Janice Lane: One of Hollywood's best known actresses for her movies. She is best friends with Cheryl Winston, she too loves animals. She has chocolate brown hair and cream colored skin like her dog, Sissy. Episodes: Episode 1: Kipper is purchased at a local Hollywood pet store by Cheryl Winston, "Hollywood's Hottest Actress". Kipper enjoys his rich and classy new life. Episode 2: Janice Lane a good friend of Cheryl (and a another famous actress) brings over her dog Sissy. Kipper instantly falls in love with her. They become good friends. Episode 3: Kipper gets lost in the Pet Spa and is mistaken for another dog. Kipper is taken to the home of a "regular" family and must face being a regular dog until someone finds him. Episode 4: Sissy comes to Kipper's rescue, though it is tough because once the people find out he is Kipper Winston they don't want to part with him. Cheryl has been so worried about Kipper the whole time and is glad that Sissy found him.