Für die Eltern

Für die Eltern WoO is a through-composed song by Max Bruch. It was written as a birthday present in 1847 when he was nine years old.
This piece is in f-major, andante and a six-eight time rhythm, consists of 16 bars and contains an upbeat. The piano accompanies the singer in a harmonical way. In the middle of the song, the piece goes through g-minor and d-major for a short time.
In a letter to Hans Zanders in 1885, Max Bruch wrote, that has remembered of it when he was at his daughter's bed, where he wrote it down. He copied the piece a few times and sent him two copies to ask for giving one copy to his sister and the other one to his mother. Hans Zander was asked to report about this song.
The autograph is in the "Stiftung Zanders" in Bergisch Gladbach.
In regard to the "Max Bruch Festival" in Bergisch Gladbach in 2013 of his 175 anniversary, it was written on a computer for a concert by Luca Leonard Gililov, where it was recorded the first time; Barbara Spieß was the singer and Carmen Daniela the pianist. If it was interpreted in public before is not clear, what it probably makes to a premiere. It was not published anywhere officially.
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