Erin Finn

Erin Finn, born September 28th, 1972, in Evanston, Illinois, is a well-known geek personality, marketing consultant and fashion model based in Florida. She was a co-host of the show "Dark Side of the Internet" with famous ex-hacker Kevin Mitnick on KFI AM in Los Angeles. Mitnick wrote extensively about Finn in his book The Art of Deception and called her his soul mate. Finn is also the niece of Reagan-appointed federal judge Daniel Anthony Manion. She was also the target of convicted wiretapper Anthony Pellicano who wiretapped her phones for over six months in 2000. She gained notoriety for successfully throwing the wiretappers off by playing talk radio into her phones for hours on end. She is also the founder of "", a geek-based fan website which she started in late 2000.

Pellicano Trial
Finn was victim to multiple instances of illegal wiretapping by noted (convicted) private investigator, Anthony Pellicano and was a key witness in the U.S. Federal trial against him.

Case Background
While living in Los Angeles, Finn's ex-boyfriend, music executive Robert Pfeiffer had hired Pellicano to "destroy her life" whereon Pellicano proceeded to tap and transcribe all of her telephone conversations - subsequently using the information in various attempts at blackmail and harrasment.

At the time, Finn became suspicious, assumed wiretapping was taking place, and successfully threw off the wiretappers by calling one phone line in her house from another and playing hours of talk radio causing hundreds of pages of needless transcription and work for Pellicano and his team. She also reported the possibility of wiretaps to AT&T unaware that the wiretap had been placed by corrupt telephone company employees.

Current Life

She remains a working fashion model and marketing consultant based in Florida.
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