Emanuele Franz

Emanuele Franz, born in Gemona del Friuli (Udine - Italy) in 1981, is an Italian essayist, philosopher and poet.
Life and career
When he was 23 years old, he published his first book, “Noumenologia” (Bastogi Publishing) in which he conveys his philosophical thought on issues such as aesthetics, the relations between language and perception, memory, existence and other classic philosophy topics. The following year, with the same publisher, he publishes “Noetica dell'amore. Dialogo filosofico nell'antica Atlantide”, a book in which he imagines that Ulysses, crossed the Pillars of Hercules, arrives in the mythical Atlantis and is invited by the Sages to participate in a conversation concerning love.
In 2006 for "Diogene, filosofare oggi" he publishes the article “Per una introduzione alla filosofia degli scacchi” in which treats the philosophical implications of chess.
In 2007, "Firenze libri" publishes his book “Guglielmo e Amanda Romanzo e-pistolare” a novel that refers to the relations between personal identity, love and knowledge, in connection with the modern communication systems.
In 2008 he starts Audax - artisanal publishing house - where publications are made in accordance with book binding techniques handed down from the past in opposition to mass production of nowadays, and promotes an award dedicated to ungraded writers.
Just with Audax Publishing, in 2008 he publishes: "Le basi esoteriche della geometria frattale. Per una metafisica dell'albero", that’s also promoted, from the following year, in Germany as "Die Grundlagen der esoterischen fraktalen geometries".
In 2009, "L'Ontognostica e Ontomimesis". In April of the same year presents "Da Atene a Nikolajewka": an exciting and real testimony of a man who survived the terrible retreat from Russia (2WW); the book is reviewed on national magazines.
Until now, all his writings by Audax publishing are twelve.
The latest book is “Le basi esoteriche della microbiologia”, currently in promotion and in translation as "The esoteric bases of microbiology. Principles for a new theory of life based on the Extended Thinking".
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