DW Three Kingdoms

DW Three Kingdoms is a Publisher founded in 2007. Created by the author Daniel Webster and his friends in Australia and China, its main aspiration is to produce The New Three Kingdoms Series and market to the global public.

Its current main product is The Greatest of Heroes, the first of six novels that comprise The New Three Kingdoms Series, based on the infamous Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

For more information about the book series, see The New Three Kingdoms Series.

Other projects

DW Three Kingdoms is producing a new version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ebook, rearranging it into a more aesthetic design and incorporating more pictures. It will soon be available for download from the website.

A Chinese translation of the first novel is already underway, and also a children's version with reduced violence and simpler language is planned. Other DW Three Kingdoms projects will include an audio version of the first novel, illustrations of the characters and battles of Three Kingdoms, and eventually publishing of the following five books in the new series.

DW Three Kingdoms is also intent on releasing anti-smoking campaigns in China, to reduce some of the 3 million Chinese people who die every year as a result of smoking. Australia has had enormous anti-smoking promotion in previous decades, so many of their advertisements may be translated for broadcast in the Chinese media and on Chinese websites.
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