In March 2012, Dischan first announced Juniper's Knot, a kinetic novel created in the span of a month. The story focuses on a young man and a fiend in the ruins of an old town. On April 13, 2012, Terrence Smith announced the release of Juniper's Knot, alongside Christine Love's Analogue: A Hate Story, through the Dischan Store. Later, Anton Prydatko announced the release of Juniper's Knot on the iTunes App Store. Dysfunctional Systems Reception weblogger Cassandra Khaw gave the Cradle Song preview a positive outlook, calling the concept " rather polished-looking endeavor". She noted how Nathan is "a little unprepared" for the real setting of the game. Dominic Tarason from The Indie Game Magazine gave Juniper's Knot the title of "Freeware Game Pick", stating that the novel's soundtrack "is emotive without being overbearing". Tarason also stated that, "The writing in particular is an interesting mish-mash of slightly archaic wordings, but it makes the characters a little more colourful". Cassandra Khaw did the same, praising Juniper's Knot for "being an oddly lovely experience", with an original story and "an abundance of … anime-inspired artwork".