Dicreatine Malate

Dicreatine Malate is a dietary compound comprising of creatine and malic acid. This advanced creatine form is more PH-stable, more water-soluble, and is more bioavalable than regular creatine monohydrate. Due to its chemical structure, DiCreatine malate improves the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) more effectively than ceatine monohydrate or any other creatine analog.
Chemical Properties
DiCreatine is a white odorless powder, soluble in water. Chemical formula is (C4H9N3O2)2 C4H6O5
Patented 31-Oct-2006 (US Patent #7129273) by Derek Wayne Cornelius and Gary Lee Haynes, Dicreatine Malate is a modern and much improved version of creatine, one of the most widely spread nutrition supplement used by sportsmen and athlets. It can improve strength and endurance, athletic performance and speed up muscle recovery. With a similar structure to creatine ethyl ester malate, dicreatine malate imple-ments malic acid solely to aid and create muscles. This results in a more water-soluble compound that eliminates the threat of gastric acid and positively impacts the ATP cycle. It is also claimed that dicreatine malate features strong bioavailability and the ability to halt symptoms such as upset stomach, water retention or cramping, which makes it a more conventional choice over regular creatine.
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