Dean Parkin

Dean Parkin was born in 1969 and is a poet based in Suffolk, England who currently works as a freelance writer and performer and as Projects & Artists Manager for The Poetry Trust (whom he has been working for, in one capacity or another, since 1997). From 2000 to 2009 he was part-time editorial assistant at The Rialto magazine.
In 2009, having won an Escalator Live Literature Award, he started work on his first one man show and was also awarded an Arts Council England Grants to develop the show further through 2010. [ Dean's Dad's Ducks'] - a fifty-five minute monologue featuring stories, poems and sonic tinkerings (poem songs) - will debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2010. The show will be supported by the Escalator / East to Edinburgh scheme.
He has given many readings across the UK and in the US and has appeared at festivals such as the Cambridge Wordfest and Scotland's poetry festival Stanza and has a regular slot on BBC Radio Norfolk.
Jackie Wills, writing in PN Review, has said of his poems that they “convey a natural empathy for people of all kinds and a curiosity about human behaviour... I like his humanity and his understatement. It’s refreshing.”
Dean was chosen as one of a number of subjects by artist Jenny Soep in her role as artist in residence at the 2007 Stanza poetry festival in St Andrews.
In the 1990s he worked as an editor and publisher of local history books.
Local history
* Wall of Water: Lowestoft and Oulton Broad During the 1953 Flood with Royal Flaxman (1993)
*Changing Lowestoft: The Story of the Town Since the War with Jack Rose (1994)
* I Remember Gorleston with J.E. Holmes (1996)
* The Grit: Story of Lowestoft's Beach Village with Jack Rose (1997)
* Irresistible to Women (2003), edited by Michael Laskey
* Just Our Luck (2008), edited by Michael Laskey
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