Cordoba Academy for Classical Islamic Sciences

The Cordoba Academy is an online educational institution that specializes in the instruction of the sacred Islamic Sciences, merging traditional methods of inheriting and imparting knowledge with modern technology and techniques in instruction. It is a non-profit organization that is not affiliated to any government, political party or sect. It offers courses for both males and females from different backgrounds and levels of Islamic knowledge. A unique feature of Cordoba Academy is the effort it puts into maintaining traditional scholarship in Islam through the classical system of Isnaad. It is for this reason that all successful students who meet certain conditions are instead of just receiving a certificate, they receive an ijazah in the text with full chains of transmission back to the author or compiler of the text.
The name of the academy is inspired by Cordoba in Andalusia (Islamic Spain) which was a prestigious seat of learning in the history of Islam. The academy believes that it is only by returning to the Qur’an and the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that the Muslim ummah (nation) can be restored to its previous glory and civilization.
The primary focus of the academy is hadith, for which is has earned a very strong reputation, however subjects such as Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi fiqh, Qur’an and Arabic are also taught.
The curriculum is based on the classical Islamic texts known as mutoun (summaries of disciplines), all of which are masterpieces authored by traditional Islamic luminaries such as Imam al-Bukhari, Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani and Hafidh Abdul Ghani al-Maqdisi.
These texts are taught by highly experienced scholars and educators who each specialise in the subjects that they teach, namely Shaikh Khabbaab Ahmed, Shaikh Hassan al-Kattani, Shaikh Mohammed Daniel and Shaikh Uthman Khan.
Courses include mutoun in tafseer, tajweed, aqeedah, fiqh, hadith, seerah, and Arabic language using texts such as Shama’il at Tirmidhi, Nukhbat al-Fikr, al-Adab al-Mufrad, Umdat al-Ahkaam, Muwatta of Imam Malik, Muqaddima Sahih Muslim, Sahih Muslim, al-Bayquniyyah, Al Mughni Al Muhtaaj, Al Waraqaat, Matn Abi Shuja and Al-Arjumiyyah.
Lessons are conducted via web conferencing technology. The students are repeatedly exposed to classical Arabic during instruction and learning, so that their understanding of it and fluency improves naturally.
In addition, the academy also provides comprehensive course material for each of the subjects taught, including: pre-recorded readings of the Arabic text, comprehension check tests and study assignments. This ensures that students continually assess their understanding in order to gain optimum benefit.
Students also have access to an electronic library containing a vast variety of relevant material, so as to induce the spirit of independent learning and research. To further enhance the experience of learning, students can also interact and share knowledge with each other as well as with the scholars at the academy by means of an online forum.
The academy also aims to have public or private retreats with the students every year to provide them the opportunity to be in the physical company of the ulama and learn from their manners and behaviour. One such retreat was held for three days in Holland in May 2012. A highlight of this particular retreat was that it included a reading of the Muwatta of Imam Malik and bestowal of isnaad to those who participated.
Duration and Commitment
The duration of each course depends on the length of the text used. In general, a student is expected to allocate at least 2 to 3 hours a week for any course.

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