
Blackcoffee is an independently owned brand consultancy, located in Boston, Massachusetts USA. Specialists in Brand Expression, Blackcoffee uses a media independent, non-linear methodology that integrates Brand Strategy + Brand Identity to develop Brand Signals. Brand Signals are the sensory building blocks, such as brand name, logo, sonic branding and packaging, that serve to identify and differentiate brands from competitors.
Brand Expressionists Mark Gallagher and Laura Savard founded Blackcoffee in 1994.
"A brand is an experience living at the intersection of promise and expectation."—Mark Gallagher, Brand Expressionist®

<li> BRAND STRATEGY <li> Brand Mapping <li> Brand Architecture <li> Brand Positioning
<li> BRAND IDENTITY <li> Verbal Identity <li> Visual Identity <li> Packaging Identity
Blackcoffee works with leading brands across a vast range of industries. Current and past clients include: <li> Acura <li> Cannondale <li> Carpet One <li> Converse <li> Fox Sports <li> Hasbro <li> Kryptonite <li> MTV <li> Naked Lion <li> Numark <li> Puma <li> Reebok <li> Rockport <li> Salomon <li> Showtime Networks <li> Sperry Top-sider <li> Timberland <li> Winston Flowers <li> Zildjian
Blackcoffee has published two books: Best of Business Card Design 6 — Rockport Publishers (2004) ISBN-10: 1592532330 1000 Icons, Symbols and Pictograms — Rockport Publishers (2006) ISBN-10: 159253239X
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