Betty Blocks

Betty Blocks aPaaS is a 100% online and cloud-based rapid application development with which you can easily build business applications. Through visually modeling, applications are designed rapidly and intuitively, 8-10x faster than traditional programming.
Speed, flexibility, and ease-of-use are keywords to describe software development with the Betty Blocks platform. Applications are developed and hosted on the platform, therefore, you do not have concerns about hardware, software, security and management.
Also, the applications are automatically multi-device ready.
With the Betty Blocks platform, you can integrate applications quickly and safely with existing software - from a 25-year-old back-end system to modern online bookkeeping programs, anything can integrate.
More about aPaaS
The company was founded in 2012, and is located in The Netherlands.
In 2013 the platform was completely rebuilt, using the newest browser technologies.
In 2016, Gartner officially acknowledged Betty Blocks as an important player in the high-productivity segment of the aPaaS market.
Social Responsibility
Betty Blocks is a local rooted company, which embraces volunteership. In 2016 the company participated in NLDoet.
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