
Avelgood Apps is mobile phone applications development company based in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Avelgood App's focuses on developing Mobile phone apps for Nokia Asha, Nokia S40 and Windows Phone platforms.
Notable Work
The company's most successful product is the flashlight app called Lumina Flashlight Torch. According to the company the app had by November 2013 been downloaded over 5.4 million times since its release in August 2012
In 2012 Avelgood Apps developed the first mobile phone application that provided real time updates of Africa Cup of Nations matches. The Java ME app provided real time commentary for AFCON 2012 matches in addition to providing group tables, match results, statistics and team profiles. The app was later updated to provide coverage for the 2013 Africa Cup of Nation tournament
Noting a huge gap in the online coverage of Zimbabwean football, particularly evidenced by the lack of official websites for the national football association and the top flight league, Avelgood Apps co-developed FootballZone to be a premium source of Zimbabwe football news.
Avelgood Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd operating under the trade name Avelgood Apps was founded in 2008. The company started off exploring the development of scientific software. In 2009 it decided to focus on web related services based on the anticipated growth in demand for such services that would accompany the stabilisation and possible subsequent growth in the Zimbabwe economy following the dollarisation of the economy.
In 2012 the company changed its traded name from Avelgood Web Design to Avelgood Apps inline with the emphasis that the company was now putting on developing mobile applications.
*Lumina Flashlight Torch. A flashlight app for a wide range of Nokia Asha, S40 and Symbian phones.
*IntelliTools. This app is a collection of measurement tools allowing the full touch Nokia Asha devices like the Asha 311 and Asha 501 to be used as a flashlight, spirit level, ruler, protractor, rangefinder, seismograph or plumb bob.
*Metal Detector. Works on Symbian and Meego devices and detects magnetic fields
*BMI Calculator. A health app for calculating the body mass index. Available on Symbian and Nokia Asha and S40 phones.
*Derivatives and Integrals. A mathematical formula reference.
*AFCON 2013. News and scores for the 2013 edition of the Africa Cup of Nations
*TV Size Calculator. App to calculate dimensions of TV or monitors.
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