
Auto-Upturn is an unlicensed Nintendo Entertainment System game released by Sachen in 1991.


The game consists of a "15-Puzzle"-esque gameplay, where a character which changes every level must pick the squares of a scrambled picture and re-arrange them to turn it to its original form while avoiding the enemies who are walking around the screen trying to hit the player.

When every level starts, the player is not shown to the picture he/she must form. Instead of that, the player must press Start to watch the original picture. Doing this more than once, however, will turn the palette darker, hiding the small details, thus doing the players work harder if they can't remember the picture.

Screenshot gallery

The game contains 7 levels. All of them have a 10-minute limit. The character the player controls is named followed by the picture shown.

#Cat/Two cats watching the sunset
#Santa Claus/Santa Claus pointing to the Statue of Liberty
#Panda/Chinese wall
#Asian Girl/Dragon
#Dracula/Naked woman
#Boy/Naked woman on a garden

After the last level is finished, the phrase "The End" is shown on the screen and the game goes back to the title screen.
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