Austin Wang

Austin Wang is a Canadian inventor best known for his scientific work and success in national science fairs.
Work with Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)
Austin is known for his work with microbial fuel cells. Wang's project consisted of identifying genes involved in bacterial EET by screening an E. coli fosmid library in MFCs for enhanced clone performance.
Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF)
Wang first participated in the Canada-Wide Science Fair in 2014, where he was awarded a silver medal. In the 2015 fair, his improved project won him the Best in Fair (Platinum) Award as well as over $30,000 in additional prizes and scholarships.
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF)
Wang part of Team Canada for the 2016 Intel ISEF in Phoenix, Arizona. His project won the Gordon E. Moore Grand Award of $75,000.
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