Anthology Complex

Anthology Complex is a 2013 novel written by American author M.B. Julien, which follows a nameless narrator in an unnamed city as they ponder various questions concerning the human condition.
Writing style
The novel is written in different styles of writing, but is noted for its use of stream-of-consciousness to exhibit the process of a thinking human mind. All three modes of narration (first, second and third person) are used throughout the novel to explore different areas and subjects. The novel also clearly breaks the fourth wall, as the reader is asked several questions during the discourse and is encouraged to participate in the experience.
Each chapter in Anthology Complex is titled and tends to center around a certain theme. For example, the eighth chapter (titled "The Double Helix") deals with repetition in multiple ways; politically, biologically and philosophically. Other themes included in the novel span the nature of good and evil, racism, the impact religion has had on society and the philosophy behind the meaning of life.
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