Prager University

Prager University is a virtual on-line non-profit organization founded in 2009 that produces five minute video courses on a variety of subjects, ranging from economics to philosophy. The organization was created by Dennis Prager, an American syndicated talk show host, and Allen Estrin, screenwriter and radio show producer, to teach fundamental concepts and conservative values in large part through a series of five minute video lectures. These videos seek to enhance the student's understanding and appreciation for the ideas central to conservative ideology, under rubrics such as freedom, personal responsibility, and capitalism. New video courses are added on a regular basis.
Prager University was conceptualized and structured by Dennis Prager, author of Happiness is a Serious Problem and Still the Best Hope, in 2008. A year later, Prager University officially debuted with the video "The American Trinity", taught by Prager. Allen Estrin, a Hollywood screenwriter and producer, has helped produce about two dozen videos for the university. According to Prager University's mission statement, it aims to create a better understanding and appreciation of the American Judeo-Christian value system by leveraging the viral power of the Internet. The university believes that citizens of a society should understand its founding values. Prager, Frank Pastore, Paul Johnson, Bruce Herschensohn, Joseph Telushkin, Jonah Goldberg, Arthur Brooks, Walter Williams, and Alison Armstrong have created video lectures for Prager University. New video lectures featuring Adam Carolla and Tim Groseclose are currently in production.
Known for its series of educational five minute videos, Prager University courses mainly include:
* Political Science - There is an emphasis on Israel-Palestinian issues and small government. Their middle east viewpoints can be characterized as supporting the continued existence of Israel, against a one-state solution. Two courses, The Welfare State and the Selfish Society and The Bigger the Government the Smaller the Citizen, support the modern conservative notion of reduced government.
* Life Studies and Psychology - Including Male and Female, ethical, human nature, and happiness issues. "The greatest of the 'studies' is the study of life...."
* Religion and Philosophy - Purporting to fill a gap in traditional universities, there are classes on belief in God, the big bang, and biblical verses.
* Wisdom of the Masters - Interviews with the British historian Paul Johnson, American political scientist Bruce Herschensohn, and professor of economics Walter Williams.
* Economics - Classes that explain the Laffer curve, questioning if FDR really ended the depression, the morality of the free market and more.
As Prager University is not an accredited degree-granting university, its name has been criticized as misleading. California's education code allows this use of the term University as the institution is exempt from licensure by the BPPE.
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