American Hippocratic Registry

The American Hippocratic Registry is a physician-run, professional organization and cumulative register of physicians and other medical professionals who are dedicated to the practice of medicine under the principles of the original Hippocratic Oath. The foundational premise of the Registry is that these Hippocratic principles are based on a professional ethic that transcends human law and are therefore inviolable.
Indeed, the Oath was first instituted in response to the widespread tendency at that time for physicians to practice according to societal expectations and motives of personal gain, instead of the sole good of patients. The pressing need to codify standards for professional behavior and to unify physicians under that code was met in the Hippocratic Oath. Its core principles served as standard for professional identity and practice for approximately 25 centuries.
These principles include the following:
* The preeminent nature of morality and professional ethics
* Professional dedication to the sanctity of human life under all circumstances
* Refusal to take part in the ending of human life, whether unborn, unwanted, or terminally ill
* Complete patient confidentiality
* Abstinence from all selfish or mischievous activity in caring for patients
* Rejection of any sexual involvement with patients
The Hippocratic Oath is no longer the underpinning of the medical profession that it once was, and its essential meaning has been modified in response to changing socio-political values. Under the postmodern priciples of multiculturalism, relativism, and utilitarianism, such modifications of the Hippocratic Oath either eliminate reference to an Almighty, neutralizing its transcendent nature, or eliminate the prohibitions against taking human life, or both. The American Hippocratic Registry recognizes the potential dangers for the profession of medicine and for the greater society when physicians abrogate their moral and philosophical solidarity and instead practice under the requirements of contravening laws or social norms alone. (See also Nuremberg Code). As such, Hippocratic physicians recognize theirs as a professional duty to patients based on a moral code beyond laws and statutes that may change for no higher reason than majority rule.
Like its counterpart, the Canadian Hippocratic Registry, the American Hippocratic Registry is nonsectarian, and its moral conviction is not based on any particular religious belief. Thus, physicians and other health care providers of any religion or denomination and those of no religious preference may register. Similarly, there is no restriction based on political affiliation or other beliefs. The American Hippocratic Registry is not affiliated with any political group, nor does it have fiduciary ties with any other causes, movements, or organizations.
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