American Conservative Party

The American Conservative Party (ACP) is a minor political party in the United States founded in February 2008 through collaborative meetings of member groups over the Internet. The general party platform is based upon the libertarian conservatism philosophy of individual sovereignty combined with the traditional conservative form of the limited central government structure.
The party is organized with state affiliate chapters through local grassroots efforts and is not affiliated with other previously formed state-only parties. The online ACP Forum is the primary source for information, procedures, and collaboration for party leaders and members.
The leadership of the organization is managed through Officers and Committees with a National Council represented by the state affiliates. Four established state affiliate parties in Florida, Georgia, Texas and Virginia are represented in the National Leadership Council and hold active state and about 15 developing state chapters memberships are developing.
It should not be confused with The Conservative Party USA, a political party that fielded candidates in the American state legislative elections of 2010.
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