Modern Whig Party of Texas

The Modern Whig Party of Texas is the Texas state affiliate of the Modern Whig Party of the United States.
Political activities
On May 16, 2008 the Texas state party of the Modern Whig Party was created with “nearly 3,000” members. This state party is going to have a major organizational meeting on Saturday, June 13, 2009. The party will, in the early months of 2009, try to get nominations for three national candidate positions -- a Republican, Democrat and a Modern Whig -- which will show this state party’s middle-of-the-road bi- or tri-partisan mentality. They have their members on Dem/GOP tickets in order to go through the gradual process to get the American public to vote for a Modern Whig member that supports Modern Whig ideals that will create a Modern Whig voting bloc.
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