CRIS ERICSON HAS BEEN ON THE OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT IN VERMONT 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 AND NOW 2010. Cris Ericson is the most prolific candidate in the entire United States of America for promoting the legalization of marijuana. OFFICIAL SOURCE OF INFORMATION: VERMONT SECRETARY OF STATE, ELECTIONS DIVISION: CRIS ERICSON IS CERTIFIED BY THE VERMONT SECRETARY OF STATE ELECTIONS DIVISION AS A CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF VERMONT AND AS A CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR FOR VERMONT FOR THE UNITED STATES MARIJUANA PARTY HTTP://USMJP.COM click on Elections click on candidate list Cris Ericson will appear on the General Election Ballot and does not have to compete in a Primary Election. Cris Ericson for U.S. Senate and Cris Ericson for Governor for the United States Marijuana Party is a separate legal entity from