Alessandra Cocchi

Alessandra Cocchi is artist and teacher of art history, was born in Orvieto in 1963. She lives and works in Cesena, Italy.
The development of her art (illustration, painting and sculpture) reflects various interior situations, all generated by the same expressive urgency. Her works are characterized by a search for synthesis, a process of interiorizing and interpreting reality and a surreal dimension consisting of suspended and fantastical atmospheres. Paper is her support and expressive material, and she experiments with it using various techniques.
She has exhibited her art since 1998.

Alessandra Cocchi's cronology

1980: Diploma of “Maestro d'Arte” (master craftsman) of “Graphic Advertising Art” at the Orvieto Institute of Art.

1982: General certificate of secondary education in the Applied Arts at the Urbino Institute of Art, in "Animated Drawing".

1989: Degree in the Disciplines of Art, Music and Theater at the University of Bologna . Thesis subject: “History of Architecture”.
Additional courses attended include "Playing with Art” taught by Bruno Munari, and courses in web design.
Participated as an illustrator in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

Since 1990 she has been teaching art history in high school.

1998: first personal exhibition and beginning of exhibition activities

2001: created the brand "Geometrie fluide".

Artistic activity

Her activity as an artist includes painting, sculpture, drawing, graphic design and illustration.


- Sulle ali della fantasia (On the wings of fantasy), personal exhibition. Gallery La corte, Cesena.

-Sapori e colori (Flavors and colors), personal exhibition. Restaurant Fuoriporta, Cesena.
-Fatto ad arte (Done with art), group exhibition. Magazzini del sale, Cervia.

- Piccoli Spiriti (Little spirits), personal exhibition. Radà, Forlì.

- Natività (Nativity) 2004, group exhibition. Fabbrica cultural center, Gambettola.

- Confini (Borders), group exhibition. Fabbrica cultural center, Gambettola.
- Onirici realismi (Dreamy realism), group exhibition. Gallery Il loggiato, Cesena.
- Natività 2005, group exhibition. Fabbrica cultural center, Gambettola.

- Pittori astrattisti in mostra a Cesena (Abstract painters on exhibition in Cesena), group exhibition. Municipal gallery Ex-pescheria, Cesena.
- Contemporanea (Contemporaneous), group exhibition. Forlì, Trade fair.

- Equilibri sospesi (Suspended equilibrium), group exhibition. Cultural Center Chiostro San Giovanni Orvieto.

- 1908-2008. Cento anni un giorno (One hundred years, one day), personal exhibition. Sala Migliori Cesena Workers’ Association
- Modalità espressive nell'attualità dell'arte a Cesena (Expressive methods in current art in Cesena), group exhibition. Municipal Gallery Ex-pescheria, Cesena.
- Arte e scienza (Art and Science), group exhibition. Palazzo del Congressi, Orvieto.
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