2012 Aurora shooting conspiracy theories

The 2012 Aurora shootings on July 20, 2012 in Aurora, Colorado has resulted in multiple conspiracy theories.
List of conspiracies
*Some conspiracy theorists think that the massacre was an inside job, staged by the CIA and the police, and that the shooter, James Holmes was a CIA "puppet-mime" who was brainwashed by the CIA to carry out the murders. Conspiracy theorists believe that the main reason behind the shooting was so the Government can intentionally scare citizens, and enact stricter gun laws to the point that American citizens would no longer have their Second Amendment gun rights.
*Some conspiracy theorists say that the man arrested with the red hair was not Holmes, pointing to different features such as a narrower nose, and a bigger mouth.
*Another conspiracy suggests that Holmes was unemployed, and they argue that someone who is unemployed cannot possibly purchase $20,000 in weapons.
*Conspirists also argue that Holmes could not have gone insane, being he was a medical student.
*Some conspirists have gone as far as to say that the late actor Heath Ledger (who played Joker in The Dark Knight) was not actually dead, and that his comeback was disguising himself as Holmes, in an attempt to make the film a blockbuster of proportions.
*Some felt that with the attack only a few days before the 2012 Summer Olympics, the shooting was a sign that there was going to be a larger scale attack in London.
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