Yes game

The Yes Game is a social game involving alcoholic beverages. It involves a concession to the terms of the game while out for a night. The Yes Game was started among college students at UC Berkeley.
While the original source of the rules of the game is not yet determined, there are several sources of inspiration for the Yes Game. Yes Man is often cited as a movie that inspired college students to attempt the game. Also, variations of drinking games also have influences in the Yes Game.
The Yes Game involves a simple rule, with several exceptions. The main rule is simple: You must say yes and acquiesce to what is asked of you. It is important that all participants are in unanimous agreement before the game begins.
The Yes Game involves several exceptions to the main rule. These rules were created in order to avoid legal/financial/or physical harm to the participants.
1) Nothing financially related can be requested. For example, one participant cannot ask the other to purchase a burrito for them.
2) Participants cannot ask the others to inflict or risk any immediate physical harm upon themselves or any other. For example, one participant cannot ask another to run into traffic.
3) Participants cannot ask other participants to break any immediate and obvious laws involving safety, decency, and sanitation.
4) Participants cannot request anything sexually related from the other participants.
To ensure fairness and equity, each participant is given 3 vetoes to use throughout the game. If challenged, a participant can use the veto to protect themselves. However, after three vetoes, the participant is left open to all future challenges.
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